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DC Universe Christmas TP

A DC UNIVERSE CHRISTMAS TP. WRITTEN BY VARIOUS; ART BY VARIOUS; COVER BY TY TEMPLETON. 17 of DC's Christmas-themed stories from 1940 to the present day are collected in this trade paperback that makes the perfect gift for any comic-book fan. Some of the stories included in this collection are: "Wanted: Santa Claus - Dead or Alive," a Batman story from SUPER-STAR HOLIDAY SPECIAL by Dennis O-Neil, Frank Miller, and Steve Mitchell; "A Swingin' Christmas Carol" from TEEN TITANS #13 (1968) by Bob Haney and Nick Cardy; "The Story of Fir Balsam," a Wonder Woman story from SENSATION COMICS #14 (1943) by William Moulton Marston and H.G. Peter; "Present Tense," a Darkseid story from DCU HOLIDAY BASH II (1198) by Ty Templeton; SUPERMAN'S CHRISTMAS ADVENTURE (1940) by Jerry Siegel and Jack Burnley; "Star Light, Star Bright...Farthest Star I See Tonight!", a Legion of Super-Heroes story from SUPER-STAR HOLIDAY SPECIAL (DC SPECIAL SERIES #21 - 1980) by Paul Levitz,and Jose Garcia-Lopez; "The Harley and the Ivy," a Batman, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy story from THE BATMAN ADVENTURES HOLIDAY SPECIAL (1995) by Paul Dini and Ronnie Del Carmen; "Silent Night," and Enemy Ace Story from CHRISTMAS WITH THE SUPER-HEROES #2 (1988) by John Byrne with Andy Kubert; and much more! 7X10, 160 PG, FC
Author / Artist:
Dennis O'Neil,Frank Miller,Steve Mitchell,Ty Templeton,Bob Haney,Nick Cardy,William Moulton Marston,Harry G. Peter,Jerry Siegel,
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