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Ted McKeevers Eddy Current Vol 3 TP

By Ted McKeever. Counting down the last four hours until Eddy has to be back at the asylum. 2 AM to 5 AM. Four hours to save the world. If everyone is out to be the Savior of Mankind, why are they all hell-bent on killing each other? Doom, gloom, destruction, death... and Mothers for the Betterment of Humankind. Are you sure you wanna read this?! Okay, don't say we didn't warn you, it isn't pretty. And yes, we do answer the question "does Edward get back to the asylum by 6 AM?" But unfortunately the issue of what Lydia sees in Reggie is not. Cover by Ted McKeever and Chris Chuckry. SC, 5x7, 120pgs, B&W
Author / Artist:
Eddy Current
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