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Adventures Of The Fly Vol 1 TP

By Various. The latest entry in the Red Circle reprint series! This historic edition highlights one of the pioneering superhero titles of the Silver Age: The Fly! Tommy Troy is a young boy whose world is turned upside down when he meets an emissary of the Fly World and is given a special ring that magically transforms him into the superhuman Fly! Considered an early prototype for Spider-Man, The Fly's earliest adventures were charted by some of the most legendary creative talent in comics: Jack Kirby, Joe Simon, Jack Davis, and Al Williamson! All of these artists and more are featured in this special edition that collects titanic tales from 1959 and 1960! Features a cover by fan-favorite, Joe Staton, painstaking restorations of all stories, faithful re-coloring and a foreword by Joe Simon! SC, 7x10, 96pg, FC
Author / Artist:
Jack Kirby,Joe Simon,Jack Davis,Al Williamson,Joe Staton
The Fly
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