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Jack Kirby Checklist Gold Ed

The most thorough listing of Jack 'King' Kirby's work ever published! Building on the 1998 'Silver Edition,' this new, fully-updated, definitive Gold Edition compiles an additional decade's worth of corrections and additions by top historians, in a new Trade Paperback format with premium paper for archival durability. It lists in exacting detail every published comic featuring Kirby's work, including dates, story titles, page counts, and inkers. It even cross-references reprints, to help collectors locate less-expensive versions of key Kirby issues, and includes an extensive bibliography listing books, periodicals, portfolios, fanzines, posters, and other obscure pieces with Kirby's art, plus a detailed list of Jack's unpublished work as well. Now includes a complete listing of the over 5000-page archive of Kirby's personal pencil art photocopies. And scattered throughout are dozens of examples of rare and unseen Kirby art, making this a must-have item for serious Kirby collectors and eBay shoppers!
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