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Savage Sword Of Conan TP Vol 04

Roy Thomas (W) and Various (A). Editing and charting Conan's course in the influential Savage Sword of Conan magazine, Roy Thomas led a phenomenal assemblage of talented illustrators boldly through the end of the seventies and into the eighties, unfettered by page counts and the limiting thumb of the Comics Code. Thomas scripted the continuing adventures of Conan, drawing from Robert E. Howard's original tales-along with other Conan adventures-and working with such esteemed artists as John Buscema, Sal Buscema, Ernie Colon, Klaus Janson, and the amazing Gil Kane! The Savage Sword of Conan brought the world thrilling adaptations of 'Sons of the White Wolf,' 'The Legions of the Dead,' and 'The Treasure of Tranicos.' The real treasure in this massive tome, however, is the sprawling, ambitious adaptation of the Conan the Buccaneer novel by the powerhouse team of Roy Thomas, John Buscema, and Tony DeZuniga! This volume is sure to deliver brutal barbarian violence as well as horrific, chilling surprises. This volume collects Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian issues 37 to 48. Conan and Conan the Barbarian (including all prominent characters featured in this issue) and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Conan Properties International, LLC unless otherwise noted. All contents Conan Properties International, LLC unless otherwise noted. b&w, 500 pages, TPB, 7' x 10'
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