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Oddly Complelling Art Of Denis Kitchen HC

Denis Kitchen (W/A), Neil Gaiman (W), Charles Brownstein (W), with design by John Lind 200 pages A well-known personality in the comics world, Denis Kitchen has worn many hats: publisher, founder of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, and literary and art agent. But his career as a pioneering underground comix artist has been overdue for rediscovery-until now! The Oddly Compelling Art of Denis Kitchen, the long-awaited collection of Kitchen's comics, covers, and illustrations, brings Kitchen the artist to the forefront. A comprehensive career overview, this compendium includes approximately two hundred illustrations, most unseen since their original publication in the late '60s and early '70s, and many from regional publications not seen even by serious comix fans. o Featuring an introduction by Neil Gaiman, and an expansive, career-spanning essay by CBLDF executive director Charles Brownstein, The Oddly Compelling Art is both a fond look back for underground comix aficionados and an excellent introduction for new fans of Kitchen's body of work! o Designed by John Lind, winner of an American Graphic Design Award for his work on Underground Classics. 'I think 'oddly compelling' is a very good title for a book of Denis Kitchen's work, and describes it very well.' -R. Crumb
Author / Artist:
Stan Sakai
Art of/Reference
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