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Scarlet Prem HC Book One (Mature Readers)

Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Art & Cover by ALEX MALEEV THE AWARD-WINNING, BESTSELLING, POWERHOUSE CREATIVE TEAM BEHIND DAREDEVIL, HALO AND THE AVENGERS UNLEASHES ITS BOLDEST PROJECT YET! SCARLET! This is the comic experience of the year! The first creator-owned series by one of the most successful teams in all of modern comics, SCARLET is the story of a woman pushed to the edge by all that's wrong with the world. A woman who decides to stand up and fight back. A woman who will not back down. A woman who discovers within herself the power to start a modern American revolution! In the vein of ALIAS, POWERS and JINX, SCARLET debuts a fascinating new comics character who, with every issue, reveals new things about herself against a completely original backdrop of intrigue and drama. This Premiere collection of the first creator-owned series by Bendis since POWERS - and the first-ever creator-owned series by Maleev - includes tons of extras, a look at the first-issue script by Bendis with new illustrations by Maleev, an all-star cover gallery and more! 176 PGS./Mature
Author / Artist:
Brian Michael Bendic
Super Heroes
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